- GnGênesis
- ÊxÊxodo
- LvLevítico
- NmNúmeros
- DtDeuteronômio
- JsJosué
- JzJuízes
- RtRute
- 1Sm1 Samuel
- 2Sm2 Samuel
- 1Rs1 Reis
- 2Rs2 Reis
- 1Cr1 Crônicas
- 2Cr2 Crônicas
- EdEsdras
- NeNeemias
- EsEster
- JóJó
- SlSalmos
- PvProvérbios
- EcEclesiastes
- CtCantares
- IsIsaías
- JrJeremias
- LmLamentações
- EzEzequiel
- DnDaniel
- OsOséias
- JlJoel
- AmAmós
- ObObadias
- JnJonas
- MqMiquéias
- NaNaum
- HcHabacuque
- SfSofonias
- AgAgeu
- ZcZacarias
- MlMalaquias
- MtMateus
- McMarcos
- LcLucas
- JoJoão
- AtAtos
- RmRomanos
- 1Co1 Coríntios
- 2Co2 Coríntios
- GlGálatas
- EfEfésios
- FlFilipenses
- ClColossenses
- 1Ts1 Tessalonicenses
- 2Ts2 Tessalonicenses
- 1Tm1 Timóteo
- 2Tm2 Timóteo
- TtTito
- FmFilemom
- HbHebreus
- TgTiago
- 1Pe1 Pedro
- 2Pe2 Pedro
- 1Jo1 João
- 2Jo2 João
- 3Jo3 João
- JdJudas
- ApApocalipse
The perf. consec. is attached to the יהי, which is, according to the sense, implied in למען שׁמך, just as in other instances it follows adverbial members of a clause, placed first for the sake of emphasis, when those members have reference to the future, Ges. ֗126, rem. 1. Separate and manifold sins (Psa 25:7) are all comprehended in עון, which is in other instances also the collective word for the corruption and the guilt of sin. כּי gives the ground of the need and urgency of the petition. A great and multiform load of sin lies upon him, but the name of God, i.e., His nature that has become manifest in His mercy and truth, permits him to ask and to hope for forgiveness, not for the sake of anything whatever that he has done, but just for the sake of this name (Jer 14:7; Isa 43:25). How happy therefore is he who fears God, in this matter!